Wednesday, 21 May 2014

200 Word Story

An ex-boyfriend, a pair of binoculars, and a good-luck charm.

It was a warm day Litefer and Phillip were at the movies watching The Lion King Litefer made them early. Litefer told him that she was seeing someone else philip ran out crying.
                                                  1 Week later

Philip was now prestige master on Call of duty Black ops 2. Litefer was walking around Bayfair with her new boyfriend Glen in United Sweets buying Kool Aid and twinkies then Philip saw her he was furious he thought he would stalk her so he brought a pair of binoculars so he could watch them and take out Glen.

Philip was constantly watching them. About 4 days later Philip couldn't take it so he followed Glen home. Philip knocked him out, put him in a sack and chucked him in his boot.

Phillip took him to the dock he got his friend Jayden who worked there to throw him in a container.Litefer found out how good twinkies were and made it her good luck charm, Litefer got depressed and got really addicted to cake and twinkies then got fat.

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